Congratulations to Nathan Yon and Reese Agee, our 2024 King and Queen. On Friday, September 20, 2024 they were crowned during pregame by last year’s King and Queen, Geno Perry and Hadassah Rivera.
To Nate, winning King means that he is respected among his peers. In an interview he describes the crowning experience as “very suspenseful” because he had a 1 in 5 chance of winning. But afterwards it was more enjoyable because he was able to watch the football game and not worry about being in band for the night. After the Homecoming Dance Nate went with a group of friends to Springfield Grille for dinner. Three words to describe his Homecoming experience were “dance, smile, and fun.”
Reese describes her Homecoming experience as “surprising, welcoming, and supportive.” In an interview with Reese she describes being crowned as “very heartwarming” because of all the nice girls in the Junior class it was surprising to her that she won Queen. After the dance she went home and showed her Nana pictures from the game and before the dance. Other memorable moments for her were riding in the convertible for the parade, everyone congratulating her, and getting to see the band during halftime because she is usually the one performing. Reese is also extremely thankful for her parents, Nana, Grandma, Terri Altiero, and Amanda Simione for helping and supporting her through all the homecoming festivities. Reese expressed “I’m really grateful for everyone that voted for me.”
The evening kicked off with a parade starting at city hall and ending at the field. The parade included the band, cheerleaders, and the girls on court. The girls were driven in decorated convertibles accessorized with their names and poms.
On the field during pregame, members of court were introduced as they were escorted by their parents and/or family members while the band played “My Girl” by The Temptations. Members of court included Reese Agee, Guiliana Alfano, Natalee Macejko, Giana Morales, Sophia Rach, Andrew Boehlke, Drew Modelski, Joshua Pazel, Kaden Primous, and Nathan Yon. The crown bearers were Sabrina Slaven and David Harris.