On December 1st, Lowellville put on its annual spelling bee for its students. The competition is split up into two groups, the first group being students in third grade through fifth grade, and the second group being sixth through eighth grade.
The first group of students started at nine o’clock and lasted for quite some time. Eventually, one by one students started getting out and there were only two students left, Roland Swanson and Skylar Higgins. An important thing to remember about the spelling bee is that once there are two contestants left, in order for one to win, the other would need to spell the word incorrectly. The word that was spelled incorrectly would then need to be spelled correctly by the other contestant, followed by another, unrelated word, for a contestant to win. After a few rounds of going back and forth and spelling word correctly, Skylar Higgins spelled the word “plaza” incorrectly which allowed the possibility for Roland Swanson to win. Not allowing himself to get nervous, he stepped up to the microphone and spelled “plaza” correctly. Then, his word, the word that would determine if he would win right then and there, was announced. Mrs. Signor gave him the word “rotten” which he spelled right. This also isn’t the firs
The second round of the spelling bee got off to a quicker start than the first round. As expected, the older students got much harder words than the younger ones. Quickly, many older students lost while the younger ones were sticking it out for much longer. Soon enough, there were only two students left, and they were both the youngest of the competition. AJ Powell and Michael Alfano fought good and hard for quite a few rounds, each spelling words with ease. Sadly enough though, Michael got the word “fowl” and spelled it “foul”. AJ spelled “fowl” and his unrelated word “possible” correctly to win the second round of the spelling contest. Michael said that he wasn’t very nervous at all, whereas AJ said, “In the beginning I was nervous, but as things got going I was getting more excited.”